Somatic Experiencing

Somatic Experiencing® was developed by Dr. Peter A. Levine as a way of healing trauma and stress disorders. This gentle work helps clients release trauma that is bound in the body and helps build resilience. I integrate Somatic Experiencing® with the other modalities I use.

Craniosacral Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy uses light touch to support and nourish the central nervous system. It helps alleviate pain and release tension.

Abdominal massage

I synthesis my studies in CranioSacral Therapy, Trauma Informed touch, Visceral Manipulation and the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy (ATMAT) in providing abdominal massage.

ATMAT is a modality developed by Dr. Rosita Arvigo, synthesizing techniques she learned from Don Elijio Panti, a traditional healer from Belize. The core of the treatment is an abdominal massage that helps increase blood flow and lymph drainage in the abdomen and lower body. This helps support muscles, veins, arteries, and nerves. The massage also helps align the organs of the pelvis for optimal function. Symptoms that can be relieved by this treatment include digestive disorders; anxiety; painful, heavy or irregular menses; low back pain; and many others.

My focus with these treatments is on gastrointestinal health and spiritual/emotional wellness, but I am happy to offer this treatment to anyone on a healing path.

Healing Intentional Touch

This work is done at a distance, over Zoom. It can be gently incorporated into other work we are doing together, or be the base of what we do. It is based on the work of Kathy Kain and Stephen Terrell.

Developmental trauma happens during a time frame when we are developing the platforms that our adult lives are built on. This early effect can have a lifelong influence on our attachment style, sense of safety and danger, behavioral and physiological responses.

Because this happens before we have language to contextualize what is happening to us, it is especially important to address the bodies adaptations to the stressors we encountered. This model focuses on touch work within the context of attachment and developmental platforms.

The work of Kathy Kain and Stephen Terrell is articulated in their book, Nurturing Resilience: Helping Clients Move Forward from Developmental Trauma. You can also read more about them at their website Resilience and Regulation.


I offer students, and graduates, of the Somatic Experiencing (SE) training, sessions over Zoom. These are made available in order to complete the requirements of the program or to further understanding and facility of SE. I offer these sessions as a consultant, not as a therapist or a Naturopath.

I assist in the Somatic Experiencing program through the Advanced year and I am currently approved to provide personal sessions at the Intermediate level.

I bring my learning as an assistant in the Somatic Experiencing program, Somatic Resilience and Regulation program and through the Seattle School of Body-Psychotherapy.